Montessori Guide for 3 to 6 Year Olds

Montessori Guide for 3 to 6 Year Olds

The kid’s life is a constant change. New people and new environments appear. Remember that children cannot fully adapt to new situations on their own. You need to be patient, especially with the youngest ones - because it is hard for them to understand and manage emotions. You need to help them cope with stress and show understanding for different feelings.

Your child’s gross and fine motor skills are continuing to develop. Progress can be slow at this age, but they do progress through running, jumping and climbing. They also use these skills to learn new physical activities, such as dance or gymnastics. As long as they are reaching their milestones on schedule, you have nothing to worry about. 

At this age, kids start to recognize “self” over time as a separate entity from their family and friends. Children of this age may also show an interest in supporting others or being able to make decisions on their own, but are still very reliant on adults to guide them through experiences.

During these years, your child will show interest in imaginary play and pretend games. They also begin to use language more creatively and communicate many things through words. You may see them trying to mimic different sounds or even pretend talking (especially when it comes to foreign unknown languages). 

As kids grow, they need to be able to do more things. They’re climbing more, jumping from things and running around the house. Walk backward, run in your room and skip! Play games that make them  think about how to get out of situations or focus on teamwork (or cooperation) when they  play with others.

Keep an eye on  small children who swing their legs in circles while walking or running, who always want to be in the center of attention, who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way, or who demand constant affection, adoration and attention. They may need extra attention if they feel insecure about themselves.

Your child is now focused on becoming a more independent person. After years of constant learning, your kid  is ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities. You have probably noticed that your baby can now communicate better, play more creatively, and interact more effectively with adults. 

Kids development between 3 to 4 years old

As children reach the age of three, they are ready to learn speech and movement. By focusing on these basic skills, you can help them feel comfortable with themselves and their environment.

Your toddler's growth is mostly determined by genetics so it's not likely that you can control their height, weight or body shape. Don’t push children to eat extra food or more than the recommended amounts of vitamins, minerals or other nutrients, because it won’t increase their weight, but could lead to some health issues. 

3-year olds are actively on a way to the peak of their development.

  • They learn through social interaction, play and exploration.
  • Kids of this age can run, jump and walk easily.
  • They can ride a tricycle, organize toys into groups and feed themselves with a spoon or fork.
  • They explore how things work by lifting lids, opening drawers and turning off light switches.
  • They’re able to concentrate on tasks such as coloring for about nine minutes at a time before getting distracted by other things that catch their attention.

The 3 to 4 year old kiddy is a more confident and independent thinker than his younger counterparts. They are  able to be self-critical, which helps in the development of manners and empathy. They are  also beginning to show initiative and leadership skills, which will help them later  at school. Your child will learn to use colors, shapes and numbers as they build their understanding of everyday objects. He or she will also learn self-control and a personal hygiene routine.

In this age group, children are typically starting to enjoy freedom and independence. They may begin to have a better sense of right and wrong, but still need help with some tasks. Younglings may have some understanding of size differences, past tense, and prepositions by this age. Most three year olds can use pronouns correctly (such as, I, you, he and me). Children may ask “why” constantly, count up to four objects by 4 years old and remember certain events. Your infant might also attempt to solve problems, but be aware of temper tantrums and be ready  to help your little one.

In the early days, it’s normal for 3 year olds to be afraid of loud noises, shadows and bugs. It’s also common for them to be too scared to sleep in their own beds and need Mom or Dad in the room with them. In addition, they can understand several sentences at one time when used correctly and will start asking “why” constantly as they try to solve problems they encounter. Your baby may start talking more like an adult by saying full names and ages as well.

Children are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn, which is why they ask so many questions. Your child may be asking many of the same things over and over again or asking about topics that remind them of real-life issues that might have scared them recently. This is perfectly normal for preschool aged children as they begin to build a foundation for language development, prompting them to find new ways to communicate their needs and wants, understand new information and express feelings in words or through play. 

The 3 year-old children are extremely curious, and they are learning to take on more tasks independently. They are learning to think logically as well as analytically, and are capable of following through with an idea or task that they start. They may seem very opinionated, but this is simply their way of asserting their independence.

Kids development between 4 to 5 years old

Babies are born with a natural curiosity. At this stage, your infant will be able to think about time in the past and future (“after dinner, we can go for a walk.”). He or she may begin to understand what happened before his/her birth and may become less aware of only one’s self and more aware of people around him/her. Also, your little one will begin to develop empathy for others as well as self-control. 

Children from 4 to 5 years old are considered too old for preschool and not yet ready for kindergarten. They start developing more skills and continue to learn from play. Playtime is important as it helps children learn social skills, develop independence and confidence, as well as improve their problem-solving skills

This is the perfect age for them to learn how to use the potty (the one adults use), dress themselves, and be responsible for their belongings. Language continues to develop, with more complex grammatical rules and larger vocabulary needed as compared to the previous year of their development. As life gets busier for your preschooler, it’s important that he or she has plenty of opportunities for free play, which will help them better understand why things are different from how they appear in their imagination.

Your child has a lot to think about, so this time of their life can be challenging. It’s normal for 4-year-olds to start being bossy, and maybe even tell you that they are “the boss.” These challenges are age appropriate and will pass with time. 

Kids development between 5 to 6 years old

Five-year olds are very busy at this age. They are learning about their world and starting to understand concepts like time and money. They can tie their shoes and put on pants and shirts by themselves, rarely with some help from mom or dad. They also want to help out more around the house, so now you can easily make washing dishes as their daily task!

At the age of five, children are discovering the world around them and are highly intrigued by facts. They even may compare the house rules of their parents with their friends’ families. They can draw a triangle and diamond as well as a person with six body parts (including head, body, two hands and two legs). Kids will also be able to recite the alphabet and write their first name, while they’re also starting to lose their baby teeth.

It's not just a stage. It's life. With a five year old, there's no time to waste! They're curious, independent and enthusiastic learners who love to challenge themselves. Encourage them by engaging them in natural and active play that makes learning as fun as it is possible. And help them learn valuable social skills that will last a lifetime by fostering their communication, creativity and confidence. At this stage, all setters are kids with minds of their own, so encourage open-ended questioning, discussions and debate - they'll be better equipped for success later on.

Children who are 6 years old are still very much in their learning years. Their brains are growing, and, like their physical bodies, they need to be given a chance to exercise their brain muscles as well.

Pre-school children rarely use the computer or tablet in the presence of their parents. Parents usually think that since their children are still young, watching television is not a problem.  In fact, reality is different: watching TV, playing games or using any other technological device can't replace the role of speaking with parents, providing knowledge in children's life and fostering good habits for studying etc. The concept of screen time limitation is the most important one in order not to let toddlers get addicted to devices, but help their intelligence and creativity grow.

There definitely should be some ground rules to a toddler’s online time. The general rule is: even a little bit of watching different content is more than enough, and the most conservative approach would be no screen time at all.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids should be limited to one-two hours of screen time per day. This includes TV cartoons, computers and smartphones. As for the youngsters under two years old they should not be allowed any electronic devices. There could be some exceptions like seeing a parent on a video call, but not for too long.

Content from the Internet can be a great tool for learning and interacting with others, but spending too much time on them can have negative effects. It's important to set boundaries around screen time and limit app usage to keep your child safe and healthy.


Kids change every year, although, they are mostly still the same little ones whom we have brought up and loved. Therefore, the main thing is not to panic, be patient and understanding. Be confident that all problems can be solved. Always remember that raising kiddos is not a process - it is an attitude to life.

And the most important thing after six years old is to show them the right path, be patient, and help them to cope with new situations. Your support enables your bambino to grow into a healthy, balanced and open-minded person.

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