Positive discipline is one of the approaches to parenting that focuses on connection, communication, and developing long-term life skills. It is often mistakenly confused with permissiveness — a style where the child is the center of the universe, and parents act as service providers who say “yes” to everything. So, how is positive discipline different from parenting with no boundaries or parenting based on punishment?
What Is Positive Discipline?
At its core, positive discipline is an approach to guiding children’s behavior that helps them learn responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving — all without punishment or shame. What makes this method unique is its focus on long-term outcomes and delayed consequences that a child may face in the future, either because they didn’t learn something important in time or because they went through traumatic experiences. This approach is closely aligned with respectful parenting. It acknowledges and honors the child’s interests, needs, abilities, and emotional challenges, while gradually helping them learn how to manage those challenges or seek support when needed.
For example, instead of hitting or yelling at a child for misbehaving, parents allow them to experience logical or natural consequences and help them learn the lesson, not through fear or shame. They do this by understanding why a certain behavior isn’t acceptable.
Of course, situations that involve danger to life or health require a different response. If a child grabs laundry detergent and tries to taste it, the correct reaction is to remove it immediately and explain why it’s dangerous. Sometimes you’ll have to explain it a hundred times. But these rules apply only to critical situations that pose a real threat. In most other cases, compromises are possible. If a child wants to play with a knife, offer them a plastic or wooden one that’s safe. Let them cut soft foods like bananas or boiled eggs and feel capable and involved.
So, positive discipline for parents means teaching with kindness and firmness at the same time — creating a safe space for children to grow with confidence and empathy.
Core Principles
When challenges come, many parents ask themselves: How do I discipline without yelling, punishment, or guilt? That’s where positive discipline comes in.
Respect the child as an individual;
Keep the long-term goal in mind (not “so they obey now,” but “so they learn to self-regulate”);
Never shame or label the child — correct the behavior, not the person;
Encourage cooperation, not obedience through pressure;
Be consistent, yet empathetic.
Positive discipline is all about balance — where boundaries exist, but children learn to follow them through example, dialogue, and mutual respect.
What Is Positive Discipline in Practice?
The rules of positive discipline are based on five fundamental concepts:
Mutual Respect. Parents treat the child with respect and teach them to treat others and themselves the same way.
Empathy. Children’s feelings are acknowledged; they are helped to recognize and deal with them when needed. At the same time, children learn that they are not the only ones with emotions — others can feel joy, sadness, and more, too.
Encouraging Responsibility and Self-Regulation. From an early age, children slowly learn to solve problems, make decisions, and take responsibility appropriate to their age.
Flexible but Clear Boundaries. Kids don’t live in permissiveness, but they also don’t constantly hear “no.” They learn to understand rules and follow them.
Understanding. If a child misbehaves or struggles, the parent’s task is not to punish but to understand why it’s happening. Sometimes children throw tantrums not because they’re being difficult, but because they’re tired, hungry, upset, overwhelmed — and they don’t yet know how to express that, so they need understanding from parents or caregivers.
Positive Discipline Examples
Now let’s take a look at how to bring these concepts to life at home, in real interaction with your child, not just in theory.
Instead of punishment, use natural consequences. If a child spills water, don’t scold — offer to clean it up together.
We don’t forbid emotions — we help kids live through them. Instead of “Stop crying! Be quiet!” — “I’m here. Would you like a hug? Are you sad because you wanted to keep playing with Mike, but he had to go home? I understand. You’ll see him again at preschool tomorrow. That’s very soon.”
Instead of yelling, set clear boundaries. For example, the child conflicts with other children. Stop the interaction and say: “You can play, but no hitting. If it’s hard to stay calm, let’s take a break.” In such cases, the “Time-In” technique works very well — the child is removed from the group, but not left alone. An adult stays with them to help calm down and reflect on what happened.
Positive Discipline: Managing Challenges
Even the best parents and most well-behaved kids encounter challenges. Here are some positive discipline examples to help you.
If your child is having a tantrum, respond according to the situation. In a public place, it’s best to move to a quiet spot where the child doesn’t feel overwhelmed and can calm down more easily. Little ones may find it hard to self-soothe, so offer some calming hugs or try redirecting their attention (“Look at that beautiful butterfly flying by. Isn’t it magical? Would you like to be a butterfly?”).
It’s important to understand what triggered the tantrum. It could be hunger, tiredness, boredom, or overstimulation — sometimes even from too many positive emotions.
If possible, let the tired child sleep, feed the hungry one (always carry a small snack — fruit purée, baby biscuits, etc.).
So the steps are:
Calm the child
Remove the trigger
If your child bites, calmly tell them it's not allowed and remove them from the situation. Help them see the impact of their actions and guide them to make amends, like saying “I’m sorry”.
The child doesn’t listen
If your child isn’t listening, it’s important to understand they’re not doing it out of spite. They don’t need punishment — they need clear boundaries without pressure or yelling. For example, if they refuse to put away their toys, you might say: “We always tidy up after playing. If you like, I can help you a little.” Another good option is to offer a choice: “Would you rather put away the books or the toys?”
Want to dive deeper into the tools and techniques? Take a look at our beautifully illustrated, practical guide: Positive Discipline: A Montessori-Inspired Parenting Guide.
How to Implement Positive Discipline at Home?
You can use the principles of positive discipline not only in educational settings but also at home. To make it easier for you, here are a few tips that will definitely help.
Define for your family why you are choosing positive discipline. Agree on a shared approach with everyone involved in raising the child. When a child gets permission from mom to go without a hat in spring, but grandma scolds them for it, it’s hard for the child to understand: is it allowed or not?
Give yourself maximum support, especially during difficult moments. Being a parent is a full-time job with no days off. Accept help, allow yourself to sleep when the child sleeps, and rest whenever you get the chance. When you are not in a resourceful state, it’s very difficult to follow the principles of positive discipline.
Set clear, understandable boundaries. Establish rules that apply to the whole family, not just the child.
Teach emotional understanding and regulation. Talk through emotions out loud: “I see that you’re angry. It’s okay to feel angry.”
Add daily rituals and routines. This will create a sense of safety, consistency, structure, and predictability for the child.
Encourage the child’s participation in solving everyday tasks (responsibility grows when the child is respected).
These are very simple rules, but they truly work. And if you need additional support, read our book “Positive Discipline” — there you’ll find even more interesting practical techniques, effective advice, and useful ways to handle a variety of situations.
Final Thoughts
Positive discipline does not raise convenient kids who only do what they’re told, never argue, never defend their boundaries, never express their needs. On the contrary, it’s a path that allows them to do all of that, but in a healthy way, with respect for the family and others, with sincerity and openness, with an understanding of what to expect from the world and how to be a part of it. This is a method that offers kids the opportunity to grow strong, confident, conscious, and kind — and wherever they go, to create an environment of respect and trust.