Milestones and Guidelines
How to Create a Stimulating Environment for Childhood Early Development
In the Montessori education system, the environment is not seen as a mere background but as an additional teacher tha...
How to Introduce Montessori to a Daily Infant Routine
It may seem impossible to practice Montessori from birth. However, this educational approach is designed to be suitab...
Hygge Meets Montessori: Playroom Ideas for a Serene and Active Space
Although Hygge originates from Denmark and the Montessori style from Italy, they seem made for each other, blending a...
Montessori vs Reggio Emilia: Understanding the Key Differences and Benefits
The Montessori method was established earlier than Reggio Emilia—in 1907. Reggio Emilia emerged in the post-war perio...
The Montessori Way: Essential Tips for Teaching Children Responsibility
Let’s admit it – we love seeing our kids grow into independent and responsible individuals. Teaching children respons...
The Guide to Infant Development
From birth to one year, a child experiences several leaps in growth and development, each milestone being critically ...
The Role of Physical Activity in Emotional Regulation for Kids
Motor activity is essential for the harmonious functioning of the body and serves as a foundation for normal physical...
What Are Sensory Toys
Sensory toys are a category of educational and play materials designed to stimulate, explore, and develop all the sen...
Perception of Color: The Role of Spatial Accents in Child Development
From the moment a child opens their eyes, color begins to shape how they perceive the world around them. Research sho...
Exploring Montessori Toys: A Pathway to Creative Learning
One of the main principles of the Montessori method is learning through play. This methodology involves using open-en...
5 Best Toys to Develop Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are not just the ability to stand, walk, or crawl but also the capacity to perform more complex ta...
What Are Gross Motor Skills?
Gross Motor Skills refer to movements involving the arms, legs, and torso muscles. Unlike fine motor skills, which fo...