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DIY: The Best Montessori Activities for 7 Month Old Babies

DIY: The Best Montessori Activities for 7 Month Old Babies

At 7 months old, babies become more mobile, curious, and observant than before. At this age, they sit well, crawl smoothly, and easily grab objects, examining and holding them while recognizing familiar voices. They also engage more with their parents and caregivers, making this the perfect time to dedicate part of the day to beneficial games. DIY Montessori activities for 7-month-olds involve simple tasks that help the baby explore, learn about their environment, and enhance sensory and gross motor skills. Let’s focus on these areas.

What Aspects of Development to Focus on for a 7-Month-Old Baby?

Through various games and activities, you can stimulate your baby and support their development in line with their age and psychomotor stages. At this time, it’s important to focus on the following exercises:


Encourage crawling with attractive toys that the baby will want to reach. Turn this into a fun game by offering encouragement and praise.

Sensory Exploration 

This aspect deserves special attention. At this stage, babies don’t just become familiar with different objects—they’re better at recognizing their properties. Introduce your baby to various textures, temperatures, and colors.

Hearing and Speech Development:

 A 7-month-old baby makes sounds, though it’s not yet speech. However, they closely observe how you pronounce words and articulate them. They listen to music, singing, and your voice. It’s a good idea to tell stories, read aloud, and talk to your child, pronouncing each word clearly. You can also listen to music together or play an instrument if you’re able.

Social Interaction

At 7 months, babies are ready to interact with relatives beyond just their parents. You can play peek-a-boo, and finger games and demonstrate different emotions like joy, surprise, or happiness, helping your baby learn to express them as well.

The Best Games for a 7-Month-Old Baby

  • Ball games. Sit the baby on a mat on the floor, roll a ball to them, and encourage them to push it back. This will help them learn to hold objects and interact with them. Try using soft, textured, or massage balls for added sensory benefits.
  • Crawling after toys. Place a favorite toy at a distance, giving the baby a reason to crawl toward it.
  • Naming objects. On a walk or at home, show the baby familiar objects and name them, explaining their purpose.
  • As your baby’s abilities progress, you can add more complex activities. For instance, if your baby begins to stand with support (closer to 8-9 months), you can enrich games with activities like holding onto the bars of a Montessori triangle or working on balance and coordination using a balancing arch with a cushion. Babies also love playing “Airplane,” where you hold the baby’s body while they extend their arms and legs, lifting them as if they’re flying. This not only provides fun but also strengthens their arm and leg muscles.

Useful DIY Montessori Toys and Activities for a 7-Month-Old

There’s a misconception that Montessori toys are very expensive. In fact, the toys needed for a 7-month-old baby can often be made at home. Here’s how:

Sensory Baskets or Containers

Fill different containers with safe materials that your baby can explore—soft fabric pieces, sponges, wooden blocks, and balls. Let your baby touch, hold, and explore these objects, getting familiar with their textures and returning them to the containers.

Water Play

While bathing, allow your baby to play with various scoops, cups, or bowls, letting them scoop and pour water. You can also freeze small toys in ice and let the baby watch them melt in warm water. This provides a relaxing sensory experience and helps develop gross motor skills.

Treasure Box

Fill a cardboard box with interesting toys, cut a hole in the top, and let your baby reach in to pull out different objects. Use items like teething rings, silicone balls, or small fabric bags filled with grains. This game introduces the concept of object permanence, teaching babies that objects continue to exist even when out of sight.

Convert a Simple Toy into a Pull-Along Toy

Tie a ribbon or string to a toy, allowing your baby to pull it around. This enhances both motor skills and spatial awareness.

Mirror Play

Babies love looking at themselves in mirrors. Since regular mirrors can break, offer safe mirrors made from non-shatter materials. Secure the mirror at the baby’s eye level, allowing them to sit in front of it and explore. This helps develop self-awareness, coordination, and visual perception.

Auditory Games

Among Montessori activities for a 7-month-old, simple musical games are popular. You can use household items like wooden spoons for tapping together or sealed plastic containers filled with different materials for shaking. This allows babies to explore different sounds through tapping or shaking.

Ball and Ramp Play

A simple DIY ramp for rolling balls is another great Montessori-inspired activity that supports gross motor skills and introduces the concept of cause and effect. You can use a smooth board with rounded edges. Place the ramp at a slight incline and show your baby how to roll balls or other objects down. This encourages movement, problem-solving, and spatial awareness.

You can also try games with clothespins, where part of a picture is attached to a clothespin, and the task is for the baby to match it to the correct place. These and other activities can be played every day without buying expensive toys, while still providing valuable learning experiences. Each activity supports sensory, motor, curiosity, observation, and spatial thinking skills, all while being enjoyable for the baby.

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What are the best DIY Montessori toys for 7-month-olds?

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Homemade sensory baskets filled with safe objects of different textures, treasure boxes, and simple containers for water play are excellent DIY Montessori toys. They are both affordable and highly engaging for babies' sensory exploration.

Is it too early to follow Montessori principles with a 7-month-old?

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No, beginning Montessori activities is never too early, as these methods support natural developmental milestones. Even at 7 months, infants benefit from sensory and motor activities tailored to their abilities.

What are the best Montessori games for 7-month-old babies?

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Sensory play, such as exploring different textures in sensory baskets and ball games where they push or roll a ball back to you, are great Montessori games. These activities stimulate their senses and motor skills.

What is the key activity for a 7-month-old baby?

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Crawling is a key activity for 7-month-olds, as it strengthens their muscles and enhances coordination. Encouraging them to crawl toward toys or objects makes it fun and engaging.