Montessori Climbing Arch

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  • Deliver to 60+ countries
  • From birth to growth - wide age range
  • Easy to carry within your home

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Frequently asked questions

Is the Montessori arch climber safe for children to use independently?

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Yes, safety is our top priority. The Montessori climbing arch is built with sturdy, child-friendly materials, ensuring stability during play. However, adult supervision is recommended, especially for younger children, to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience.

What age range is the Montessori climbing arch suitable for?

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At Wood and Hearts, you can find Montessori arch climbers in 3 sizes: small, standard and large. The small size is for kids aged between 8 months and 4 years. We do not recommend purchasing the small size for older children, because no object in a Montessori environment should be so small that it limits kid's movements.

The standard size is designed for children from 2 to 6 years old, and the large size for kids from 2 to 8 years old.

How does the Montessori arch support child development?

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The Montessori arch fosters physical, cognitive, and social development. It promotes motor skills, balance, and spatial awareness through active play. Additionally, it encourages problem-solving, creativity, and confidence as children navigate its various elements.

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