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Exploring Montessori Toys: A Pathway to Creative Learning
One of the main principles of the Montessori method is learning through play. This methodology involves using open-en...
Choosing Your Right Swedish Wall Bars: A Comparison of Options from WoodandHearts
The Swedish wall bar looks like a ladder mounted flush against the wall, usually with additional bars at the top for ...
5 Best Toys to Develop Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are not just the ability to stand, walk, or crawl but also the capacity to perform more complex ta...
What Are Gross Motor Skills?
Gross Motor Skills refer to movements involving the arms, legs, and torso muscles. Unlike fine motor skills, which fo...
11 Toys for Fine Motor Skills Development
Fine motor skills involve performing precise movements and manipulating small objects. In everyday life, this looks l...
What Are Fine Motor Skills?
Fine motor skills refer to the ability to perform precise and delicate movements and actions with the fingers and han...
The Best Montessori Activities for Your 9 Months Old Baby
At 9 months, your baby has already achieved remarkable milestones! Their interaction with you has become more engagin...
DIY: The Best Montessori Activities for 7 Month Old Babies
At 7 months old, babies become more mobile, curious, and observant than before. At this age, they sit well, crawl smo...
The Guide to Montessori for 2-Month-Old
“Children acquire knowledge through their experience in the environment.”
– Maria Montessori
At just two months old, ...
The Best Montessori Activities for Your 10 Months Old Baby
At ten months, your baby is becoming more curious and mobile. They are eager to try standing by holding onto your han...
10 Gross Motor Skills Activities
Developing gross motor skills is crucial for children's physical growth, coordination, and overall health. These skil...
10 Fine Motor Skills Activities
Fine motor skills are essential for a child’s development, as they involve the coordination of small muscles in the h...